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All prices are in AUD. All prices are weekly subscription cost unless specified otherwise.

Online programs​


Weekly programming | Intensive | 4-7 days of training | $90 p/w

Individualized, app-based programming with weekly video review and feedback. Video review capped at 25 videos p/w


Weekly Programming | Comprehensive | 1-3 days of training | $50 p/w

Individualized, app-based programming with regular video review and feedback. Video review capped at 15 videos p/w.​


1:1 Nutrition Coaching Subscriptions

Appointment frequency determined during consultation.


Weekly call + weekly virtual check-in | $100 weekly


Fortnightly call + weekly virtual check-in | $140 fortnightly or $70 p/w


Monthly call + weekly virtual check-in | $240 monthly or $55 p/w


Weekly virtual check-in only | $40/week

For experienced clients only who have received eight or more weeks of nutrition coaching.


Personal training & In-person Gymnastics coaching


1:1 | 30-min PT | $70
1:1 | 45-min PT | $95

2:1 | 60-min PT | $140

3:1 | 60-min PT | $180

4:1 | 60-min PT | $200


Small group nutrition coaching program 

Next group coaching date: 18 March. 2024

$450 (single payment for 8 weeks or $56 weekly)


-Weekly check-in with feedback

-Live weekly video call and Q&A

-Weekly bonus content

-Four total 1:1 calls with individual guidance

*Participants will be selected by screening for some health pre-requisites to ensure my scope of practice is retained.

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